Criminal organization verdict in racist Golden Dawn trial in Athens

Criminal organization verdict in racist Golden Dawn trial in Athens

In the lawsuit filed against the Neonazi Golden Dawn party, which is also known as an enemy of Turks and Muslims in Greece, it was ruled that Golden Dawn is a criminal organization.
The court in Athens announced its decision on the Neonazi Golden Dawn party. The court found the party guilty of "operating as a criminal organization". Seven former deputies, including Party Leader Nikos Mikaloliakos, were found guilty of running the criminal organization.
The verdict hearing of the court opened against the Neonazi Golden Dawn party, which was brought to the agenda as an enemy of the Turks when it was founded, was involved in many racist attacks in Greece and was also in the Parliament in previous periods. Tens of thousands of anti-fascists gathered in front of the court on Alexandras Street, "They are not innocent. Nazis in prison ”shouted slogans. Police attacked the antifascists who protested the Golden Dawn as the verdict was announced.