Georgia wants to strengthen the strategic cooperation with Turkey

Georgia wants to strengthen the strategic cooperation with Turkey

Georgian Parliament's draft resolution on the implementation of the country's foreign policy should confirm about strengthening the strategic cooperation with Turkey, subject also took place.
In the draft resolution with 16 articles, which was approved in the extraordinary session held in the Georgian Parliament, the priority issues such as Georgian foreign policy, taking the necessary steps for the country to regain its territorial integrity, and further consolidating relations with strategic partner countries were included.
The draft, which stated that the problems of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the foreign policy of the country, the return of the refugees who migrated from here, and the continuation of full integration with NATO and the European Union are the top priority issues in the draft:
"The most important goal of Georgia's foreign policy is the end of the occupation in the country through peaceful routes and international support, the restoration of Georgia's territorial integrity, the honorable return of refugees and internally displaced people (Abkhazia and South Ossetia)."
It was also stated in the draft that Georgia will apply to become a full member of the EU in 2024.
Black Sea security and strengthening of relations with Turkey of
Article 6 of the draft decision for Georgia, Turkey and Azerbaijan as a priority the strengthening of the strategic partnership has been saved.
In the draft, "Georgia aims to ensure peace, security and stability in the Black Sea region and strengthen social - economic and cultural ties by following an effective and balanced regional policy." statements were included.
In the draft resolution, which stated that bilateral relations with the USA and European countries should be strengthened, it was emphasized that Russia continues to apply the policy of occupation to Georgia and that the Tbilisi administration's lawsuits against this country in international courts will be continued resolutely.